About Me

Hi! Welcome to Chilired and Saltwhite. Here I upload once in a while a new recipe that I find without restrictions in the cuisine or an upload schedule.

What is the story behind this blog? I grew up in a family who values real, delicious and healthy food and enjoys cooking, which introduced me to cooking at a young age. In 2012, i went on a student exchange program in the Philippines, which introduced to a lot of Asian dishes and other culinary ideas. I started this personal food blog when I was at highschool in 2013, initially for a school project. I soon became very into it and published a lot of exciting recipes. However, I had to set it aside when I finished highschool in 2014. A couple of years later, my roommate at the time encouraged me to bring the blog back to live, hich lead to us rinning the blog together for about a year. Her photography skills helped a lot to make the more recent pictures much more appealing. Recently I unfortunately do not have the time anymore to keep updating the blog, as my studies require too much of my time. I still keep this blog around for the timeless recipes and a reminder of what I once had created.

Have a look at my blog, read a few interesting posts and maybe leave a comment or recommendation. I hope you will get inspired to try out new recipes.