Tarte flambée

A variation of the popular Alsatian and South German dish with bacon, onions and cherry-tomatoes. A very quick and simple recipe, perfect to impress guests.

Preparation time: 10 min + Cooking time: 30 min = Total time: 40min

Serves 3 people.IMG_6909_with_labels

500g Pizza dough
50g Flour
2 Onions
150g Bacon, in small cubes
200g Crème fraiche
200g Cherry tomatoes
3tb. Flat leaf parsley
Black pepper

List of Units

Simple Steps to Succeed

  1. Preheat the oven at 225°C.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings. Cut the cherry tomatoes into thin slices.
  3. Divide the pizza though into three equally big parts. Dust the dough with flour, then roll out one part with a rolling pin onto a floured surface. Try to get it as big and thin (ca. 1mm) as possible without creating any holes.
  4. Cover a large baking tray with baking paper. Make sure the dough is dusted with flour on the top. Fold the dough in half, then in half again. Transfer onto the baking paper and unfold.
  5. Spread a third of the crème fraiche on the dough with a spoon. Try to spread it evenly, leaving out about 1cm around the rim.
  6. Sprinkle a third of the onion, bacon and cherry tomatoes on top. Season with salt and pepper, then put it in the oven. Bake for about 10 minutes until brown at the rim.
  7. While it is baking you can already get the next one ready.
  8. Shred the parsley by hand and use to garnish. Serve hot.

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